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  • how do I get in touch with you?
    All the ways to connect with The Listener can be found on our Contact Us page.
  • why is there a heron in your logo?
    Simply because the surname of the founder of The Listener is David Heron MBE. Simple as that. Note that the pool of water the heron is standing in is an ear, symbolising 'The Listener'. Thank you to incredible team at PostScript for that incredible piece of design.
  • what happens during the free consultation?
    During your free 15 minute consultation you will meet with David in an informal, albeit online session for no more than 15 minutes. In that time you'll discuss what's going on in your life and why you may need some help. We'll also cover some housekeeping issues, like GDPR compliance and the confidentiality code. Even in this relatively short time, it's important for you to feel comfortable with David and for him to understand what your expectations for any future sessions might be and whether The Listener can meet them. It's also vital that any future sessions are right for you. There will be no 'hard sell' and you can end the session at any time with no obligations.
  • what information will you need from me prior to a session?
    There are obviously some key information we'll need from you to proceed, i.e. your full name, telephone number, gender, pronouns and any mental health diagnosis you may have. We'll also need the contact details of your next of kin or an emergency contact should there be anything said in the session that leads us to believe you may hurt yourself or someone else. This is non-negotiable and without them, the session can not go ahead.
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